Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

How do I enrol my child?

Firstly, we recommend you contact your chosen setting and organise an appointment to look around the nursery. Alternatively, you can complete and online enquiry form here. The management team will give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. We also recommend your child attends the show round so they can get a feel for the setting. Often, they don’t want to leave!

How does my child settle in before their first day?

Sunshine Community Nursery offer free settling in sessions. We usually recommend 3 settling in sessions, we work closely with the child and parent and will accommodate more sessions should this be required.

Session 1 (45 min – 1 hour): Initial paperwork visit, parent stays.

Session 2 (1 hour): Childs first independent visit

Session 3 (2 hour): Mealtime visit

Additional settling in sessions available if necessary.

Is my child in the right environment for their age?

Sunshine Community Nursery is devised into 3 different rooms. The rooms and equipment reflect the child’s age and their stages of development. Each room has access to its own outdoor play area. These are a guide; each child will move rooms when they are ready.

Green Room:  3 months – 2 years

Red Room: 2 years – 3 years

Blue Room: 3 years until your child transitions to school.

How does the environment reflect my child’s development?

At Sunshine we recognise children develop and learn in different ways and at different paces. Daily activities are planned within for each age group, which are child initiated and adult led. Each child has a key worker and a personal online profile which monitors the stages of development in all key areas.

How will I know about my child’s day?

Sunshine Community Nursery believe parent communication and involvement is key. Each day you will have a thorough hand over with your child’s key worker. We also use the number 1 nursery management software system called “famly”. Here you will be able to access your child’s online profile. You will receive notifications and photos through the day on your child’s play, development, and care updates. This is especially comforting for your child’s first day or if this is your first nursery experience.

What do I need to bring to nursery for my child?

We kindly ask parents to clearly label and provide:

- Spare change of clothes

- Indoor and Outdoor shoes (wellingtons for winter)

- Coat and sunhat 

- Water bottle

- Toothbrush 

What days and sessions do Sunshine offer?

Nursery is open Monday to Friday between the hours of 7:30 - 18:00. Sunshine provide childcare for full or half days. We usually recommend a minimum of 2 half day sessions to provide more consistency for your child. Depending on availability, parents can select the days and sessions they require. 

Early Riser: 7:30am - 8am 

AM Session: 8am - 1pm 

PM Session: 1pm - 6pm

Full day: 8am - 6pm 

What do my childcare fees include?

Sunshine Community Nursery employ highly qualified staff to care for your child. Our fees are fully inclusive, including: all meals, snacks, nappies, wipes and other consumables such as milk, formula, sun cream and toothpaste. 

How does the government funding work at Sunshine?

Government funded hours can be used during term time (over 38 weeks) or stretched across the year (over 52 weeks). Subject to availability, parents can select the days and sessions they require for their funded hours. 

For example children receiving 15 hours can attend a full day and a half day session or three half days to make up the full 15 hours a week.
If your child attends more than the funded hours, all year round and is also entitled to government funding, we deduct the funding to provide parents with a discounted and equal monthly fee.

For 2 year funding, there is no additional fee and all meals and consumables are included, meaning the place is completely free for you as a parent. For children receiving a 3 year funded place, the monies received from the government is minimal. Therefore, we do charge a "care package" fee to cover the cost of meals and consumables.  

Why do parents choose Sunshine?

At Sunshine we have over 30 years experience of owning nurseries. Over the years we have listened to parents and mastered what we feel works best for parents / carers and also the children in our care. 

Our nursery environment both indoor and outdoor  is carefully planned to a high standard with copious amounts of space for each child's age and stage of development. 

We go above and beyond, providing a high quality service where your child is cared for and nurtured in a safe and stimulating environment. We are graded OUTSTANDING by Ofsted in every single area!

We provide new opportunities and experiences for children such as Rugby Tots, Dance classes, Yoga, cookery club, Gardening, hatching our own chicks and butterflies. 

At Sunshine we value parent partnership, getting to know the parents and involving them in their child's nursery life. We have regular events where we invite parents into nursery such as stay and plays, mothers day breakfast, fathers day tea and fun charity events. 

Our reviews and parent feedback is excellent, reflecting the high quality standards in care and education.

Our fees are competitive and fully inclusive.

Do Sunshine go on trips and outings?

At Sunshine we like the children to experience the community and wider world around them. Each term we plan trips to enhance children's development, experiences and interests. For example we may visit a farm, aquarium, Tropical world, soft play centre or go on a local outing to the park, library or shop. Parents will always be notified of any planned trips.