Quality Childcare

We pride ourselves on providing Outstanding Quality Childcare.

Outstanding care and education for your child.

Sunshine Community Nursery is honoured to be graded Outstanding by Ofsted in all areas of care and education.

Experienced staff and Keyworkers

At Sunshine Community Nursery we employ a team of highly qualified, passionate and experienced staff. We value our team, investing in their skills, qualifications and continuous professional development to have a greater impact on your child and their nursery experience.

All of our staff receive thorough safeguarding training. We are proud to be able to share all of our staff have received their paediatric first aid training and Sunshine has been awarded the "Millie's Mark" accreditation.

When your child starts nursery, they will be assigned a key worker, we encourage children to choose their key worker through natural bonds that have been made. Your child's key worker will be responsible for communicating with parents and overseeing your child's wellbeing and developmental needs.

We're regulated by Ofsted

As registered Early Years Providers, Sunshine Community Nursery is regulated and inspected by Ofsted. We strive to provide the highest quality of care and education for your child, we are extremely proud of our OUTSTANDING grading.

Please read our full outstanding Ofsted report here.