
The safety and wellbeing of your child is of paramount importance.


The safety and wellbeing of your child is of paramount importance. Sunshine Community nursery have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure the highest quality of care, safety, and wellbeing of your child.

All policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and accessible to all parents via our secure app. Please contact nursery management if you wish to view any of our policies prior to enrolment.

To view our full Safeguarding policy, please click here.

Get in touch

What is safeguarding?

As professionals who care for children every day at nursery, safeguarding and child protection is a vital element of our daily practice. Safeguarding and child protection can be described as: 

  • Protecting children from maltreatment.

  • Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development.

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

  • Protecting specific children who are suffering, or are at risk of suffering significant harm.

Definition taken from the HM Government document ‘Working together to safeguard children.’

What safety systems does Sunshine have in place?

  • Robust policies and procedures

  • All staff are required to have an enhanced DBS and register with the update service, these are checked online each term.

  • All staff have certified safeguarding and paediatric first aid training.

  • Each child will be given a unique PIN number as an extra security measure.

  • New visitors are recorded and accompanied by a member of staff.

  • Each room is equipped with Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).

  • Entrance to the building is monitored by a double entry intercom system.

  • Electronic coded entry systems on internal doors.

  • Outdoor play areas are fully enclosed to ensure safety.

  • Regular fire checks and drills are carried out and recorded.

  • Risk assessments and daily checks are carried out.

  • Thorough training and specialist training of all staff.

  • In house policy and procedure training system.

  • Thorough induction programme and safer recruitment.

  • Specialist, high quality and age appropriate play equipment.

  • All staff receive paediatric first aid training

Our obligations to your child

  • We have an extensive Safeguarding policy which details what happens if we are concerned about a child and the procedure for an allegation made against a member of the team.

  • The nominated lead person for safeguarding is the Nursery Manager. They are the point of contact for any concerns relating to a child’s welfare. The manager is also responsible for the training and development of the team in this area.

  • If we have a concern about your child we will aim to meet with you and communicate with the parent first.  We may feel it necessary to refer directly to the Duty And Advice Team, however we will communicate with you at all times.

  • If our concerns are significant, it may be necessary to go straight to the Duty And Advice Team.

  • We have devised our own code of conduct which outlines how we maintain and form appropriate relationships with each other, the children and parents.